The Writer Runner

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The Writer Runner


Reviews for Asana of Malevolence:

Review from Tracy Ball:

Never underestimate the strength of desperation.

They began as victims, each life a worse-case scenario. Yoga brought them peace, and hope, and an evil beyond measure. A monster in men’s clothes took the thing they loved, needed. He used it for bait. And now they were trapped.


I didn’t expect to enjoy this story. It’s full of victims and I prefer characters who create their own problems. Also, Ms. Abbott’s step-back storytelling style had me prepared to worry as it’s not a common practice.

My concerns were groundless. I cared about these people and what they were going through. I was afraid, and anxious, and sad, and overjoyed at the smallest victories -each one was hard fought and costly. I wanted, no, I needed to know how this was going to end.
Ms. Abbott’s flair for detail and intimate knowledge of both Virginia and yoga shines through. You are left with not only an awareness of things beyond human comprehension but a sincere appreciation for good hearts and good souls.

From one day to the next, you just never know…

Tracy’s Bio:

A Novelist, Reviewer, Content Editor, and Blogger, Tracy A. Ball is a native Baltimorean and a veteran West Virginian whose family is blended from three distinct cultures. She has opened her home to foster children, drug addicts, AIDS victims and anyone who needed an assist. She has an equal number of liberal and conservative friends. She knows people who have committed murder and people who have dined with the Pope. Which is why she writes sweet stories about tough love.

Her writing credits include:

The Right Way To Be Wrong
KAYOS (2017)

Reviews for Running Through the Wormhole: